What constitutes a healthy, happy relationship differs from person to person. And, of course, no two relationships are the same. People want different things out of their relationships, and as long as the parties involved are open and honest with each other, that is definitely a step in the right direction. That being said, these tips are by no means exhaustive, as there is a whole lot more that will be considered in Part 2 of this article. Here are:

8 Things you need to know for a healthy, happy and lasting relationship.

1. Both Parties Must Have Self Love.

To be happy in a relationship and have a happy relationship, you must first be happy with yourself. You must love yourself. For you cannot give what you do not have. Read more on the 11 benefits of enjoying quality alone time.

You cannot also expect someone else to be in charge of your happiness. It is too much of a burden for anyone to bear, highly unrealistic and unsustainable. Read more about self-love with these 22 Simple ideas on how to love yourself, for when you love yourself, everything else, including your relationship with others improves.

2. Make Your Significant Other A Priority.

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy to get overwhelmed. And feel like you do not have enough time in your day to accomplish all you need to get done, including making time for your significant other. However, to keep a relationship going, you must consciously make time to let your partner know how important they are to you. Although you may have other priorities such as children, bills and so on, your significant other is definitely also a priority. And you would have to let them know through your actions. For actions speak louder than words.

In other words, you would have to invest some time and energy in your partner. Schedule dates, and ensure you have quality alone time to keep the fire burning in your relationship. And of course to enjoy each other’s company.

3. Give Loving Gestures to Your Significant Other

To maintain a happy relationship, give loving gestures to your significant other. Happiness and positive vibes are definitely contagious. When you are in a positive mindset, filled with love and happiness, it is bound to rub off on your significant other. In order words, giving loving gestures to your partner will come more naturally to you when you are happy and in a good head space or mindset. You cannot act negatively when you are filled with love and positive vibes.

Furthermore, as aforementioned, actions really do speak louder than words. So loving gestures, like randomly buying flowers, little presents, sending love texts, or notes to your partner, will go a long way to make them feel loved and thought of. Which generally helps to keep the relationship healthy, happy and long-lasting. Also, check out this post if you have Ever Wondered What Women Wish Men Knew About Women. This will give clues on how to maintain a happy relationship with your partner.

4. There Must Be Mutual Respect.

For a relationship to continue, standing the test of time, there has to be mutual respect between the couple. So what does it mean to respect your partner? To respect your significant other means that you have due regard for their feelings, wishes, and rights. Both partners must regard each other’s wants and needs and consider them when doing things. You would, therefore, not do something that would adversely affect your partner and vice versa.

5. Focus on the Positives for a Happy Relationship.

What makes a happy relationship is not how perfect it is but how the partners handle their challenges. No person or relationship is 100 per cent perfect. Even the best of the best relationships encounter challenges. So when going through a rough patch, it is better to focus on the positives to maintain a happy relationship.

Focusing on the negatives would not help as much as it would rather make the negatives fester. For instance, For instance, if your partner is moody or is having a bad day and it is negatively impacting you. Try not to feed off that negative energy and give negative responses to your partner. But rather focus on the positive qualities of your partner. Remember that they are going through a temporary rough time and be as supportive as possible. Try also to focus on all the good times you share.

Another example could be if your partner is messy. That can be very irritating and put you in a bad head space, especially if your partner shows no signs of changing. However, if you focus more on the good qualities of your partner. Such as they are a great parent, cook, provider, companion etc. Then the fact that your partner is messy would become less relevant to you.

In order words, for a happy relationship. In the same way, you would say a gratitude prayer or keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of all the good you have in your life. You could also remind yourself now and then of your partner’s wonderful qualities. And why you got involved with them in the first place. This will definitely help to keep a relationship going, and standing the test of time. Read more on the misconceptions about having a positive mindset.

6. There Must Be Mutual Loyalty and Trust.

You feel safe, happy and secure with your significant other when you know you can count on them to have your back. When you trust them. Relationships tend to be more successful when partners focus on supporting the other. It is therefore important not to break trust in a relationship. Because when this happens, it can be very difficult and sometimes impossible to regain that broken trust.

So hypothetically speaking, if someone were to antagonise your partner. It should be only natural for you to take your partner’s side and support them out of loyalty to your partner. If you think your partner is wrong, you ought to address your concerns to them in private and definitely not in front of an audience.

Unfortunately, a relationship without mutual trust and loyalty is heading downhill and needs to be worked on drastically. Sometimes with the help of a neutral third party. For online counselling, you might be interested in checking out BetterHelp.

7. Pick Your Battles Wisely

To maintain a happy relationship, picking your battles wisely is crucial. Not everything has to be argued out to the very end. Some things you would honestly just have to let go of to be able to still enjoy each other’s company. Perhaps the issue could be brought up calmly later when both parties are not heated-up.

Also, you must keep your arguments with your partner private. Away from your children, family and friends. Things can get pretty messy when third parties get involved. Read more on how to pick your battles in a relationship.

8. Happy Relationships Take Work.

So put in the work. However, it takes two to tango. Both partners in a relationship need to put in some work to have a happy relationship. Each partner would have to compromise now and then. That means doing things you may not want to do. Or that is not necessarily convenient at the time, just because it is important to your partner. And your partner would do the same for you when the tables are reversed.

To keep your relationship going, you would also need to put in that extra effort to calm down or hear your partner’s concerns, even if that isn’t the easiest or most convenient thing to do at the moment.

Read more on putting your heart into everything you do to blossom, for anything worth doing is worth doing well.




  1. Darle gestos de amor a la pareja en una de las formas claves para mantener una relación feliz.

  2. Really well-written article…Really inspiring…I wish this would help to boost up my life…Thanks a lot.

  3. Perfect Article written to maintain relationship. In 8 points 5th point is must to follow for a happy relationship.

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